Oct 15, 2021, 9:00 – 11:00 AM (UTC)
Salesforce Women in Tech Group, Tirane, Albania
Let's connect for a female-friendly discussions where you can feel free to clear your doubts about Salesforce and Career.
We encourage all the women in Salesforce Community to come forward and share their experiences with us. It's an open platform to promote technology and motivate each other.
This group is for you all to learn and share your experience with us, make new connections and meet others similar women who are interested in making their carrier in Salesforce. Women In Tech is all about empowered women to empower women. Salesforce believes the same way and we should come forward to participate and share their experiences with everyone.
Salesforce ecosystem believes in the concept of Ohana – or the notion of family. This helps women in the tech industry to come forward and contribute in a greater multitude of capabilities. Women in Tech in Salesforce ecosystem is definitely a great platform to help them reach out and learn from hundreds of other women from other chapters.
Friday, October 15, 2021
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM (UTC)
Leadership Development Association Albania, Kosovo & Presevo
Group Leader