Melissa will unveil an intriguing aspect of working with Sets. She'll explain a typical scenario where you might consider using Sets, followed by a live demonstration where she will highlight a hidden drawback that you will encounter. In the demo she'll illustrate why your approach won’t yield the expected results, but rather a fatal error, in real-time. e
About this event
Join the Dallas @SalesforceDevs DFW for a deep "Let's talk about Sets (The Apex structure/Class)"
Melissa will unveil an intriguing aspect of working with Sets. She'll explain a typical scenario where you might consider using Sets, followed by a live demonstration where she will highlight a hidden drawback that you will encounter. In the demo she'll illustrate why your approach won’t yield the expected results, but rather a fatal error, in real-time. But fear not! Melissa will provide guidance on tweaking your code to better suit your requirements.
March 27th - 6:30 PM! #UTD #Dev #Apex
We will be hybrid on Zoom and in-person on the UTD campus.
All are welcome to join at 6pm to chat online/IRL.