Asia Pacific

Salesforce Nonprofit User Group, Sydney, Australia


The Sydney Not-for-Profit User Group gets together monthly on the last Wednesday of the month, usually at the Salesforce Sydney Office. Our meetings are to trade stories and tips, brush up on our skills, learn new tricks, stay up-to-date on everything Salesforce for non-profits. We strive to be friendly, informal and chatty with wine and snacks on hand. Each meeting has a topic, sometimes a presentation, sometimes more of a round-table discussion. So whether you are brand new or an old hand, please join us on our Salesforce journey! Note: This group is primarily intended for people who currently work at not-for-profit organisations, although people who work at other organisations but who are interested in not-for-profit work or sharing knowledge with NFP users are welcome. However, please mention this interest in your profile when you join so we know who you are!

Past events


Driving Fundraising Success with Best Payment Practices - UPDATED DATE

2024년 11월 28일

Virtual Event

Should You Transition from NPSP to Nonprofit Cloud? Insights and How-Tos

2024년 10월 30일

Virtual Event

How to leverage Slack Pro in your nonprofit organisation - for free!

2024년 4월 24일

Virtual Event

Navigating Nonprofit Cloud: Expert Insights and Q&A

2024년 3월 27일


Global sponsors



Anand Marathe

Community Group Leader Atlas Consulting

Deborah Warner

Community Group Leader Australian Cancer Research Foundation