SF Welly - Boost Your Org’s Security with Two-Factor Authentication: Wed August 5 12pm NZT

Aug 5, 2020, 12:00 – 1:00 AM (UTC)

Salesforce User Group, Wellington, New Zealand

Boost Your Org’s Security with Two-Factor Authentication. At Salesforce, Trust is the number one value, and nothing is more important than the security of customers' data. Salesforce offers some of the most advanced security and authentication capabilities right out of the box! Dial in and learn how to lock down user access by implementing Multi-Factor Authentication in your Salesforce org.

About this event


Thanks for joining us.

Presenters: https://www.linkedin.com/in/toczapowski/ and https://www.linkedin.com/in/seanculhane/

Slide deck link: https://trailblazers.salesforce.com/0693A000009GbYm

Special extra survey request from Tomasz: https://www.getfeedback.com/r/YMdwj5Q7/

Other similar sessions you can attend or view (this week was not recorded)

Please vote for Lydia's Idea related to "SalesforceA needs the ability to disconnect Authenticators as per user setup": https://trailblazer.salesforce.com/ideaView?id=0873A0000015B0ZQAU

Replies and comments from Tomasz / Sean / others in the chat

Tomasz Oczapowski: Adding MFA adds additional layer. Especially when SSO service is accessible outside VPM

Tomasz Oczapowski : 2FA is subset of MFA. You can apply MFA requirements to all Salesforce user interface authentication methods. These methods include username and password, delegated authentication, SAML single sign-on, and social sign-on through a third-party authentication provider. You can also apply the two-factor authentication requirement to users in Salesforce orgs and Communities.

Tomasz Oczapowski : Vishing is just one form of phishing, which is any type of message — such as an email, text, phone call or direct-chat message — that appears to be from a trusted source, but isn't. The goal is to steal someone's identity or money. It's getting easier to contact more people, too.

Rhyannon : You can't login as a user in a Community one MFA is enabled (meaning login as COMMUNITY user from their contact record). Regular login as other internal users still works, confirmed by Tomasz. Also Anna strongly recommends keeping one or more community user logins for testing purposes - that you can log in as a regular user using username and password - if you own the log in then this should get you over the complication identified by Rhyannon.

Tomasz Oczapowski - Boost Your Org’s Security with Two-Factor Authentication

At Salesforce, Trust is the number one value, and nothing is more important than the security of customers' data. Salesforce offers some of the most advanced security and authentication capabilities right out of the box! Join our virtual Zoom session and learn how to lock down user access by implementing Multi-Factor Authentication in your Salesforce org.

Tomasz Oczapowski (Salesforce Success Architect) would like to share with our SF Wellington extended Ohana best practices on two-factor authentication, in this interactive virtual session.


Salesforce have confirmed the date for the combined Australia / New Zealand live event - which replaces all ANZ Basecamps this year! Register now and save it into your calendar.

Wed August 19 1pm - 4pm NZT: https://www.salesforce.com/au/events/sflive20/anz/overview/

Queries: anna.loughnan@trailblazercgl.com


  • Tomasz Oczapowski


    Success Architect Director

Group Leaders

  • Anna Loughnan

    Good Human


  • Raksha Meanger


    Community Group Leader

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