Apr 29, 2020, 12:00 – 1:00 AM (UTC)
Salesforce User Group, Wellington, New Zealand
CLICK IN, MEETING INFO UPDATED WITH NOTES AND LINKS FROM THE SESSION! Jessica Macpherson is an inspiring trailblazer. An ex-pat Kiwi, she founded St Kilda Mums in 2009, to support families with young children. In 2019 she received the Order of Australia Medal, and at Sydney World Tour Reimagined in March she received a Golden Hoodie.
Please check back here for more info, and for the illustration of the meeting that visual storyteller Meg M was quietly working on during the call (I can't wait for this!).
Links / info from Jessica:
Website: blazeyourtrail.org (check out the website for the case study and Raisely white paper)
Email: jessica@blazeyourtrail.org
Mobile: +61 437 476 750
Twitter: @jessicamacpher9
Insta: @stkildamums_jessie
LinkedIn: Jessica Macpherson
Donate to St Kilda Mums (and check out the smooth process!): https://www.stkildamums.org/
Notes from Anna (excuse spelling - it may not be accurate!): Jessica uses Calendly, Raisley, GoCanvas, Campaign Monitor, Volunteers for Salesforce (but this is not mobile optimised so very very frustrating), Xero (she stressed they LOVE XERO!).
Jessica says "WASTE LESS AND SHARE MORE"! This includes investing in training your own staff!
Podcasts with Jessica:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loz2R5p7440 (this is a video as well!)
Also, Gaby from Indiana shared the following link: https://www.pepuptech.org/copy-of-salesforce-system-admin-acc - non profit accelerated training for those who are already a Salesforce admin.
Further update from Anna: check out the weekly ask a non profit expert anything, hosted by Salesforce in ANZ friendly times (3pm Wednesdays NZT / 1pm Sydney): https://register.gotowebinar.com/rt/3284122890988191234?source=CalendarJessica Macpherson is an inspiring trailblazer who has been making a huge difference in the Australian non-profit space. An ex-pat Kiwi (hailing from the Wairarapa), she founded Melbourne's St Kilda Mums way back in 2009, and has expanded this service to other parts of Victoria. St Kilda Mums coordinate and distribute physical items such as baby gear and clothing to families with new babies and toddlers needing assistance.
St Kilda Mums, Geelong Mums and Eureka Mums all run on Salesforce, and in addition to coordinating the distribution of donations, Jessica also mentors community mums and dads into learning and building their Salesforce skills, introducing them to the Salesforce ecosystem via the St Kilda Mums org, and from there to employment in the wider Salesforce ecosystem.
Last year in the Australia Day honours she was awarded the Order of Australia Medal for her contributions to the community and to the non-profit sector.
In March Jessie was awarded the coveted Golden Hoodie, virtually, at Sydney's World Tour Reimagined. This is the first Kiwi connection to a Golden Hoodie, they are only awarded at Salesforce World Tour events, so this is the closest NZ will get!
Jessie has some amazing insights to share, so please feel welcome to dial in from wherever you live in the world, and hear her story. Deep down she is still a Kiwi at heart...
Zoom meeting link will be sent 30 minutes prior to meeting start (once registrations have closed) - please check spam.
Queries: anna.loughnan@trailblazercgl.com