Sep 26, 5:00 – 6:00 PM
Working moms face different struggles every day. Join us to discuss some of the top struggles working moms face and how to manage them daily.
The struggle is real for working moms. We're balancing work, our kids, other relationships, community events, school events, sports schedules. It's a lot! In this first meeting of the Trailblazing Moms Community Group, we come together in a safe space to talk about these struggles and how we can manage the grind.
Inspired by various motivational-speaking moms who get it, Holly will touch on some of the most common struggles working moms have and how we can manage them because, let's face it, they likely won't be going away soon. Do you find yourself tired, overwhelmed/stretched too thin, feeling like there's not enough time, and not having fun? Take an hour to hear some potential adjustments that may make things more manageable.