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How Custom Settings Can Customize Your App and Simplify Your Life

Jul 16, 2020, 10:00 – 11:00 PM (UTC)

Salesforce Admin Group, San Antonio, United States

Have you ever needed to conditionally enforce a validation rule based on a particular user or profile? Or to set different field defaults based on a profile? What about releasing a new feature to a subset of your users? Join us as Tami Lau, Salesforce MVP, walks us through how "Hierarchical Custom Settings" can help you achieve that, and much more, without needing to hard-code any logic.

About this event

Have you ever needed to conditionally enforce a validation rule based on a particular user or profile? Or to set different field defaults based on a profile? What about releasing a new feature to a subset of your users?

Hierarchical custom settings can help you achieve that, and much more, without needing to hard-code any logic. Learn about what hierarchical settings are, best practices for using them, and how admins and developers alike can use them to customize their apps in a flexible and maintainable way.


  • Tami Lau

    Presence Product Group

    CRM Systems Architect & Developer



Thursday, July 16, 2020
10:00 PM – 11:00 PM (UTC)


10:00 PMPresentation
10:30 PMQuestion and Answer

Group Leader

  • Emilee Demore

    Astound Digital

    Community Group Leader

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