Things That Make You Go Hmmm... Org Confessions!

Jul 2, 2021, 3:00 – 4:00 AM (UTC)

Salesforce Women in Tech Group, Sydney, Australia

Are you ready for a fun mid year informal catch up? Let’s laugh and learn from all the weirdest, wackiest, or just plain questionable things you have come across in a Salesforce Org.

About this event

Let’s come together to laugh and learn from all the weirdest, wackiest, or just plain questionable things you have come across in a Salesforce Org!

Have you ever come across an odd field that just doesn’t make sense?

Confession #230 : *“Formula field “Today__c” exists on various objects. The formula is simply “TODAY()”*

All confessions must be anonymous, so share those stories you heard from a friend of a friend 😉 (no judgments here)

💡 Tip: 

Beg, borrow, or steal a confession because a cert voucher is up for grabs for the best story. 

Group Leaders

  • Healy Sabharwal


    Community Group Leader

  • Courtney Cole

    Australian Olympic Committee

    Community Group Leader

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