Feb 19, 2021, 12:00 – 3:00 AM
Salesforce Women in Tech Group, Seattle, United States
Join Seattle WIT virtually for Food, Drinks, Nosh, and Networking - Come discuss 'Your Salesforce Career Path & You' over drinks with other Women in Tech & allies!
Happy Hour at home in Seattle!
The focus conversation is focused in small groups around your Salesforce Career Path. Talk about how your journey led you to where you are today, What brought you here? Was this your intended path? What type of struggles have you faced? What types of tricks and tips have you learned and have to share?
Learn & share tips and tricks from those who are also on their own Salesforce journey to see what how you can help each other as you continue to go further down your path.
Perhaps you need some advice about a work issue, or want to make a career change but you aren't sure what your next steps are, those in this group are the ones to ask. They have been there before and have already come through the other side. So stop on in, ask questions, share your experiences all while having a few drinks and snacks, and you might just make a few new connections at a minimum, or even better, get that great advice you've been looking for to change your career forever.
Talk about work, the community or whatever with Women in Tech and Allies from the Salesforce ecosystem,
Looking forward to seeing you there!