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Transform Limited Belief to Positive Action

Jul 20, 2021, 7:00 – 8:00 AM (UTC)

Salesforce Women in Tech Group, Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne WiT Group invites you to a special event-Transform Limited Belief to Positive Action, facilitated by Happy Melon We each have the possibility to create our highest potential for life. Often you can hold yourself with limiting thought patterns that you have about yourself. The workshop explores the stories you created and how you transform them, so you thrive at work and in your life.

About this event

Salesforce Melbourne Women in Tech User Group invites you to join a special event - Transform Limited Belief to Positive Action. We are thrilled to work with Happy Melon Studio in facilitating this workshop for our group members!

We each have the possibility to create our highest potential for life. Often you can hold yourself with limiting thought patterns that you have about yourself and may consequently impact your decision making processes.  Start the journey with Sacha Stewart and explore the narratives you created in the past and how you transform them, so you thrive at work and in your life.


  • Sacha Stewart

    Happy Melon Studio

    Senior Meditation Instructor and Team Lead



Tuesday, July 20, 2021
7:00 AM – 8:00 AM (UTC)


7:00 AMIntro
7:10 AMWorkshop
7:45 AMQ & A

Group Leader

  • Zoe Lai

    Invest Blue


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