Jun 27, 12:00 – 1:00 AM (UTC)
Salesforce User Group, Wellington, New Zealand
The Salesforce SUMMER 24 release GOES into production instances THIS WEEKEND, so now is the perfect time to explore the highlights with our SF Welly long time contributor & supporter, Stephen Stanley. Stephen will demo his favourite new features to help you get on track with all the latest and greatest functionality.
LINK TO RECORDING: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/AGmNDUU9Lg-zM8QPCuMMEXARc8B-16azGMz167elfDgs3SCbC-71hhrF4iyxqla1.9tmGCOHUKXNQ5tEf?pwd=LxG63GOAgwKsDNz3Dz4ocTj8oSLOMKmY
Locations of attendees that were mentioned in the chat:
Huge congrats to Cary Walkin for passing the Salesforce Certified B2B Solution Architect certification. He said it was super challenging and full of very long-winded scenarios that took forever to read!
There was so much love and respect expressed for Stephen, here is just a sample of the feedback provided ❤️
The Salesforce SUMMER 24 release goes into production instances this coming weekend, so now is the perfect time to explore the highlights with our SF Welly long time contributor & supporter, Stephen Stanley. Stephen will demo his favourite new features to help you get on track with all the latest and greatest functionality.
There will be time for demos and Q&A. All our extended SF Welly Ohana welcome to attend! If there's time we'll ask for YOUR favourite feature of the new release :)
Any registration or other issues contact anna.loughnan@trailblazercgl.com.
As always, the Zoom link will be emailed out 30 minutes prior so please check your email, or you should be able to access directly from the meeting listing too.
The Good Cloud