SF Welly Spring 23 Salesforce Release Highlights with Stephen Stanley Wed Feb 22 12 pm NZT

Feb 21, 2023, 11:00 PM – Feb 22, 2023, 12:00 AM (UTC)

Salesforce User Group, Wellington, New Zealand

SPRING IS COMING... Stephen is back! Salesforce's Spring 23 release lands mid Feb, so it's time to explore the highlights with SF Welly perennial favourite, Stephen Stanley. Stephen will demo his favourite new features to help you get on track with all the latest & greatest functionality. If there's time we'll ask for your faves! Wed Feb 22, 12 noon. Any issues: anna.loughnan@trailblazercgl.com

About this event

MEETING WRAP UP - thanks for attending and what a brilliant presentation from Stephen 🙏

Recording link

Passcode: 2$F?*QVM

Locations of attendees

  • Sydney
  • Melbourne
  • Warkworth
  • Auckland
  • Tauranga
  • Hawkes Bay
  • Palmerston North
  • Wellington
  • Christchurch 


  • Stephen Stanley for passing the Experience Cloud Consultant exam
  • Anna Loughnan for passing the Marketing Cloud Email Specialist
  • Ben Stokes for failing BA twice - third time lucky we hope!
  • Mark Whitmore - passed the BA exam
  • Sam Copeland - passed Admin

MFA Related info (thanks Bill)

https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.salesforce_authenticator_automate_trusted_requests.htm&type=5  automate it

https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.security_ll_enable.htm&type=5 also lightning login is good UX to skip password

Some are using Microsoft Authenticator - listen to recording for more info!


Unofficial Salesforce links (thanks Bill!): 


https://unofficialsf.com/datatable-lightning-web-component-for-flow-screens/ datatable lwc 

DATES of Note as Discussed & Links / News

Join the ANZ Non Profit group to find about upcoming ask me anything / AMA virtual sessions: https://trailhead.salesforce.com/trailblazer-community/feed/0D54S00000JgDAF 

Chch user group - hybrid meeting, Thurs 23 Feb:: https://trailblazercommunitygroups.com/events/details/salesforce-salesforce-user-group-christchurch-new-zealand-presents-salesforce-mvp-and-kiwi-dreaming-event-1/

Sydney World Tour 1 March: https://www.salesforce.com/au/events/worldtour/syd23/ also the pre-event combined user community breakfast: https://trailblazercommunitygroups.com/events/details/salesforce-salesforce-user-group-sydney-australia-presents-sydney-world-tour-trailblazer-community-groups-breakfast-2023-1/ 

Sydney World Tour broadcast channel: https://www.salesforce.com/plus/experience/world_tour_sydney_2023 

Kiwi Dreaming, Auckland March 23https://kiwidreaming.nz/ - you can use the discount code PONEKE 

Salesforce Welly next user group meeting in person lunch Tues 28 March - DevOps with BCITO, Copado hosted by SmartApps - save the date and meeting to be published very soon. Our very own beloved loyal community member Rosie Quatela will be presenting 😍

Gold Coast Bootcamp 24-28 Julyhttps://trailhead.salesforce.com/bootcamps/gold-coast DEFINITELY WORTH ATTENDING - excellent value and an amazing experience - contact Anna for more info...

Aotearoa New Zealand wide LinkedIn group - ask to join (for those living in NZ): https://www.linkedin.com/groups/3438660/ Note that as mentioned, if you belong to the current Te-Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington LinkedIn group, this is being merged into the larger NZ wide group, so see you in the big group!

Mission Ready

Thanks to Simon for the quick update. Contact him on Simon@missionreadyhq.com 

The info summarised...

Mission Ready has been training work ready Salesforce Developers for several years, and have the full support of Salesforce

The Mission Ready training includes a NZQA accredited Micro-Credentials at Levels 5 and 6, and includes an Intensive Salesforce Developer or Salesforce Functional Consultant Course, and a 10 Week Mentored Work Placement (Internship). We also train Software Developers and UX Designers.

We deliver training traditionally online, and have a Head Office in Auckland. We have worked with candidates and companies from Wellington previously, but want to establish a more permanent and consistent presence in Wellington (including support, office space etc.)

We are looking to recruit a Wellington Salesforce Cohort (up to 30 people) to start the Level 5 Credential in mid-April.

What we want from you (the Wellington Salesforce Community)

Look at becoming a Mission Sponsor (for the Level 6 mentored work placement) - its for 10 weeks, and you get access to talent at no cost. If you are looking to expand your team, this is a way to ‘try before you buy’! These mentored work placements commence in

Identify any staff you would like to cross train – do you have help desk staff (for example) that you could use as Salesforce Developers/ Functional consultants? After 9 weeks of intensive Salesforce Training and a micro-credential at Level 5, they could come back to you as Junior Developers and complete their L6 Mentored Work Programme!

Let anyone in the Community who would like to train as a Salesforce Dev or Functional Consultant know – and refer them to Mission Ready!

Come along to out Launch of Mission Ready Wellington, in early March – and look out for further announcements in relation to this.

Original Meeting Listing....

Welcome to 2023. Our first Salesforce Welly event for the year will be a virtual session. We've close to 100 registered now, so only a few spots still available, don't miss out :)


The Salesforce SPRING 23 release went live into production instances very recently, in mid Feb, so now is the perfect time to explore the highlights with our SF Welly long time contributor & supporter, Stephen Stanley. Stephen will demo his favourite new features to help you get on track with all the latest and greatest functionality.

There will be time for demos and Q&A. All our extended SF Welly Ohana welcome to attend! If there's time we'll ask for YOUR favourite feature of the new release :)

Any registration or other issues contact anna.loughnan@trailblazercgl.com. 

As always, the Zoom link will be emailed out 30 minutes prior so please check your email, or you should be able to access directly from the meeting listing too.

International Salesforce Events in Early March....

There's still time and availability to register and attend the following events....

Sydney World Tour

March 1, Sydney, free registration. If you plan to attend, allow for extra events / meetings the day before & after. Feel free to contact me (Anna) for assistance with maximising your trip.

Register here: https://www.salesforce.com/au/events/worldtour/syd23/ 


March 7-8, San Francisco. If you plan to attend, allow for extra events / meetings the days before & after. Feel free to contact me (Anna) for assistance with maximising your trip.

Register here: https://www.salesforce.com/trailblazerdx/ 


  • Stephen Stanley

    The Good Cloud

Group Leaders

  • Anna Loughnan

    Good Human


  • Raksha Meanger


    Community Group Leader

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