Tucson User Group along with the Phoenix Admin Group - Can We Build it?

Oct 6, 2022, 1:00 – 3:00 AM (UTC)

Salesforce User Group, Tucson, United States

Please join in person, in Phoenix or Virtually from anywhere, for a presentation from Eric "The Kevin Bacon of the Salesforce Community" Dreshfeild!

About this event

Please attend this meeting, you may join in person (roadtrip to Phoenix) or virtually:

1st, joining us all the way from the mid-way that is the mid-west, the dreamer, the builder, the connector, Eric "The Kevin Bacon of the Salesforce Community" Dreshfeild! Eric will share his story of how he built the first Salesforce Community Conference, Midwest Dreamin', & help us write our story for our Phoenix Admin Salesforce Chapter!

2nd, joining us all the way from the place known for more than just the U of A, I can't think of any of those things at this time, but anyway, give some love for our Tucson sister chapter's Group Leader, Jim "Jimmy Jamie James" DeSando! And he'll be carpooling, so we can pool guesses of who else might be our guests!

Food will be provided by Mogli! Come for the Bacon, stay for the community making!

Location will be provided by our own Christian Howarth's Footprint© - Plant-based Fiber Technology & Material Science company. Come for the plant-based fiber technology, stay because it's a sustainable material!

Please RSVP so we can order enough food & prepare enough space!



  • Eric Dreshfield


    Product Evangelist



Thursday, October 6, 2022
1:00 AM – 3:00 AM (UTC)


Head to Phoenix

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