Mar 24, 2021, 3:30 – 5:00 PM (UTC)
Salesforce User Group, Indianapolis, United States
Brian Miler is back to share more CPQ knowledge. I will be leading a "workshop" regarding reflection and goal setting. We also have a certification voucher for our Indy members to raffle off!
HeaderFieldSetName is the newest Special Field for CPQ – WI21 v. 228.x. It works similar to EditLinesFieldSetName, but targets the Header from the Quote Object within the Quote Line Editor (QLE).
Bring an open mind as I walk through some activities to help us set goals for this year and reflect on past accomplishments. We will be working through several exercises to help us get in the right mind set to make the best of 2021 (cause we all need a lift from 2020)! There will be some writing/typing activities so please be prepared to use your noggin.
Stick around and we will raffle the certification voucher at the end of the meeting.
Liberty Mutual
Principal Systems Support Analyst
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM (UTC)
Welcome |
Brian Miller: CPQ |
Michelle Arndt: Goals |