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Multi-Factor Authentication: What you need to know about securing user account access for Salesforce

Jan 21, 2022, 2:00 – 2:30 AM (UTC)

Salesforce User Group, Brisbane, Australia

You may have heard that Salesforce is enforcing Multi-factor Authentication in February this year, but are still not really sure what it even is! If you'd like to learn more about MFA, this session is for you. Salesforce is doubling down on security and part of this means requiring MFA for all orgs starting next month. It's important to understand the implications of this before it's enforced.

About this event

You may have heard that Salesforce is enforcing Multi-factor Authentication in February this year, but are still not really sure what it even is! If you'd like to learn more about MFA, this session is for you.  

Salesforce is doubling down on security and part of this means requiring MFA for all orgs starting next month. It's important to understand the implications of this before it's enforced.

Join us as Girish Srinivasa (Technical Consultant, VISEO) takes us through the basics of MFA in Salesforce, and what it means for you and your org. 



  • Girish Srinivasa




Friday, January 21, 2022
2:00 AM – 2:30 AM (UTC)


2:00 AMIntro & Welcome
2:05 AMGirish Srinivasa - MFA Overview
2:25 AMQ & A
2:30 AMThanks & Goodbye!

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  • Vickie Jeffery

    Ausure Pty Ltd

    Community Group Leader

  • Rebecca Aichholzer


    Community Group Leader

  • Tim Combridge

    Sensible Giraffe

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