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Kiwi Dreaming replay session: Stephen Stanley - Integration with Flow!

Jul 11, 2024, 4:00 – 5:30 AM (UTC)

Salesforce User Group, Auckland, New Zealand

Long-time Salesforce legend Stephen Stanley will re-present his popular session from Kiwi Dreaming, "You thought you needed code for Integrations? You can probably do it in Flow"

About this event

Thanks to everyone that joined the session. Was great to get a complete walk-through of all the steps involved in calling out from Flow to an external service from Stephen Stanley.

Some follow up commentary from Stephen:

"I was asked if you could use one of the free integration users as the default workflow user and I said I thought not, as they would have to be a full user, able to use the UI, but I did a quick test in a sandbox this morning and found that I could both make one of these user the default workflow user and assign a permission set to that user which allowed them to access the Named Principals

Before implementing this though, you'd need to test it thoroughly to make sure that nothing else fails to work correctly as a result. This blog article (https://app.salesforceiq.com/r?target=66905426d18cc530ff449cd0&t=AFwhZf1Htgto6t1VlWYmEP2m9lLlhgwm8ErZTO1_06I8K4kK5HVQykD5ovVUXsaTIdx7XRwzkut452K-oVSXMe-QxJxSiB7NeIHcBBnvi05ILMSuq01RaStTbJf6L8I-u76cwOh61AEX&url=https%3A%2F%2Funofficialsf.com%2Funderstanding-the-automated-process-user-the-default-workflow-user%2F) discusses the autoproc user and also credits Bill Wu for his contribution

Finally, I have published the slides (and the videos) here: https://www.goodcloud.team/presentations "


Welcome to our Kiwi Dreaming replay sessions, collaborating with the Christchurch and Queenstown Salesforce user groups!

In this session, long-time Salesforce legend Stephen Stanley will re-present his popular session from Kiwi Dreaming, "You thought you needed code for Integrations? You can probably do it in Flow"

Flow is a hot topic as its the are of the platform that is getting the most investment at the moment from Salesforce.

Callouts from Flow are a bit hard to get a grip of as there are quite a few moving parts that take a bit of getting you head around. This session should hopefully give people a step by step approach to building one.

Join at 4pm for a quick kōrero with the group, before we kick off the presentation about 4.15pm. Then, ask questions afterwards and we'll let you know what other sessions are coming up in July and August!


  • Stephen Stanley

    The Good Cloud

Group Leaders

  • Joanne Moore

    Auckland Trailblazer Community Group Leader

    Solutions Analyst

  • Stephen Brown

    Cleft New Zealand

    Community Group Leader

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