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How to thrive not just survive through your Salesforce implementation

Aug 24, 2023, 12:00 – 1:00 AM (UTC)

Salesforce Nonprofit User Group, Wellington, New Zealand

Training and change management are two of the most vital components of any successful Salesforce implementation, and so often they are overlooked! Join us for a virtual hour of power with two of our community's best training and change experts

About this event

Training and change management are two of the most vital components of any successful Salesforce implementation, and so often they are overlooked!

Join us for a virtual hour of power with two of our community's best training and change experts

We will hear from Alice Hodgson from Train the Crowd who will share valuable insights on how to maximise out of the box Salesforce functionality to enhance the training and enablement journey for your user's, along with some expert training tips and how to set your team up for success. 

We will also hear from Jamie Pride from Humanly Agile,  Jamie and his team are Salesforce Change Management experts who have a wealth of experience in ensuring change management and taking all stakeholders on that journey is front and centre of any implementation.   Connecting people, making them feel like they are part of the change and communicating effectively to minimise impact and maximise engagement in the process 

This is a session you do not want to miss 

Zoom link for the event: 


  • Alice Hodgson


    Managing Director

  • Jamie Pride

    Humanly Agile




Thursday, August 24, 2023
12:00 AM – 1:00 AM (UTC)


Training and enablement
Change 101
Q & A

Group Leaders

  • Natalie Savell

    Community Group Leader

  • Sam Copeland

    Stroke Foundation

    Community Group Leader

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