A practical guide to importing complex data into NPSP

Mar 30, 2022, 5:00 – 6:30 AM (UTC)

Salesforce Nonprofit User Group, Sydney, Australia

Stephen Stanley, Regional Success Architect with Salesforce.org, will take us through a detailed case study of how Conservation VIP solved a complex data import challenge using a combination of NPSP Data Loader and Flow. Stephen will walk through the solution in detail showing how each part was built to automate a time-consuming manual process. Please note this is virtual meeting.

About this event

Conservation VIP is a Canadian non-profit who organise trips of volunteers to assist with conservation projects around the world. They use a third party website to collect traveller interest and registrations. This site provides them with a CSV file containing details of each traveller / potential traveller.

The team were keeping the two systems in sync by manually copying and pasting the CSV data into Salesforce, so asked for help to automate the process.

The standard features of NPSP data importer were used to create and update Contact records for their travellers, Campaigns (their trips) and Campaign Members (Contacts on trips). As well as using the configurable features of the NPSP Data Loader, a flow was added to extend the functionality to allow custom fields to be loaded into Campaign Member records

The presentation will walk through the scenario and how NPSP Data Importer and Flow were used to deliver the solution

If you would like to travel with Conservation VIP, see their website: https://conservationvip.org/


  • Stephen Stanley

    The Good Cloud

Group Leaders

  • Anand Marathe

    Atlas Consulting

    Community Group Leader

  • Deborah Warner

    Australian Cancer Research Foundation

    Community Group Leader

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