Steve Berley, Partner at Left Propeller, will present his open-source solution Data Summaries & Snapshots (DSS), which blends the ideas underlying Reporting Snapshots with the usability of Declarative Lookup Rollup Summaries to create a data analysis tool that’s powerful and easy to configure.
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Analyzing historical data can be a headache. This is especially true when you want to show data trends over time. Salesforce’s Reporting Snapshots can help; but it's a hassle to use and has more limitations than capability. Data Summaries & Snapshots (DSS) takes the ideas behind Reporting Snapshots to a new level. With DSS, you can:
Summarize data from any number of sources to the same record giving a comprehensive view at a moment in time.
Nearly no limit to the number of child records you can summarize. (Reporting Summaries is limited to 2,000).
Control the order in which summaries run, allowing you to build multiple levels of summaries based on previously summarized data.
Configuration was inspired by DLRS so easy to setup.
Do basics like, count, min, max, and average, as well as more complex operations including oldest/newest values, standard deviations, counting unique values, etc.
Ease migrating by allowing easy retro-fitting of some types of old data; as if the tool has been in use for ages.