Bringing in Outside Salesforce Help: How and What to Expect

May 11, 2022, 7:00 – 8:30 PM (UTC)

Salesforce Nonprofit User Group, San Francisco, United States

Your first 10 licenses with Salesforce are free - but it's free like a puppy, with lots of ongoing maintenance and care needed. When is the right time to ask for help? Where should you look for this help, and what options are available? Our panel members will share their experiences and thoughts. See our event description for how to submit questions ahead of time to our panelists.

About this event

Your first 10 licenses with Salesforce are free - but it's free like a puppy. It needs ongoing maintenance and care that you may not have the capacity to do (or do well) internally. When do you know when is the right time to ask for outside help? Where should you look for this help, and what options can you expect? Join our panel members as they discuss their experiences and share their thoughts.

Send in your questions ahead of time here:


  • TJ Warfield

    Data Geeks Lab

    Founder, and Head Geek

  • Caroline Renard

    Data Geeks Lab

    Salesforce MVP/Chief Solutions Officer



Wednesday, May 11, 2022
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM (UTC)


Intros and Announcements
Main Content and Q+A
Hang Back and (Virtually) Network!

Group Leaders

  • Gordon Lee

    Director, Salesforce Solution Architect

  • Jessica Kwok

    Independent Salesforce Consultant


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