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March 2024: Data data data! Perils, pitfalls and opportunities

Mar 21, 5:00 – 6:00 AM (UTC)

Salesforce Nonprofit User Group, Melbourne, Australia

Come along (virtually or in person) to the first NFP Melbourne user group meeting of 2024. Hear from Hutt Street Centre and Balanced Effect as they share how a bad data migration can be turned around. And Data Consultants Australia will share what opportunities there are once you've gone live to get more value out of your data.

About this event

Hear from Hutt Street Centre as they share what they learnt about the importance of data migration and how a bad migration can really impact the success of your project. 

Balanced Effect will then share what they're doing with Hutt Street Centre to turn a bad data migration around!

Data Consultants Australia will then look at what you should be thinking about after your data migration to ensure you keep getting the value out of data in your system.


  • Wyan Carter

    Salesforce Mentor

    Founder and Lead Mentor

  • Hanzel Nillo

    Data Consultants Australia

  • Lawren Steward

    Balanced Effect

  • Preetha Iyer

    Hutt Street Centre



Thursday, March 21, 2024
5:00 AM – 6:00 AM (UTC)


5:00 AMAcknowledgement of Country & Agenda
5:05 AMHutt Street Centre
5:30 AMData Consultants Australia
5:50 AMAdmin Tips and Tricks

Group Leaders

  • Wyan Carter

    Salesforce Mentor


  • Nicole Aebi-Moyo



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