New Year and Never Too Early for Spring Cleaning

Feb 28, 2024, 1:00 – 2:30 PM (UTC)

Salesforce Nonprofit User Group, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

The New Year is an excellent time to look inward, take stock of our achievements and look ahead at what we want to accomplish next! Personal ambitions and Salesforce journeys are no different! To kick off the New Year, we'd like to use our User Group to focus on setting priorities, reviewing our existing orgs and seeing how we can make improvements to get us off to the best start this year.

About this event

Why wait till Spring to start getting your Salesforce house in order?! I think we can all agree, we all have grand ideas each year of what we can and need to do to make sure our Salesforce org is running as effectively as possible with only the most necessary data and processes. However, these tasks are what often get pushed as the year goes on and, before we know it, off our sprint planning all-together. For our first session of the year, we'd like to take the time to focus on those things we often say we want to get to, but never find the time in the year. 

Along with a Lead Solution Engineer from, we'd like to bring you a session of short and sweet demoes of with key tips and tricks to make your New Year goals easy to achieve. You don't have to devote a month to data cleansing but, with these tips, you can be well on your way to a more optimised Salesforce org for not just your Administrators & Developers, but users as well. 

In addition to this, we'll chart our course for a year of sessions, taking polls and hearing from you about what your Salesforce goals are for the year and understanding how the User Group can support you. Is there something you're desperate to learn more about but need a springboard and more information to get you started? Are you looking at implementing a new feature but need to chat with another Non-profit User or Salesforce Architect to understand if it's the right way forward? Bring all your ideas, questions, concerns to this session and let us make a plan to address these across the year! 

There's no time like the present to celebrate our successes and look forward to the year ahead. We can't wait to see you there!


  • Sergio Peschiera


    Lead Solution Engineer

Group Leaders

  • Colette Osborne

    Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

    Salesforce Project Manager

  • Kelsey Purnell

    Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

    Community Group Leader

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