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Virtual Meeting: Reports & Dashboards

Sep 9, 2021, 7:00 – 8:00 PM (UTC)

Salesforce Nonprofit User Group, Bellingham, United States

Become a Salesforce superhero in your org! Join us to learn some useful tips and tricks when it comes to list views, reports and dashboards.

About this event

Become a Salesforce superhero in your org! Join us to learn some useful tips and tricks when it comes to list views, reports and dashboards. Bring us your best list and report building challenges, and any examples of reports or dashboards you've found most helpful in your work. We'll share our best-kept secrets to having the all data you want right at your fingertips, and how to effectively share the data that your colleagues are looking for too! 

Group Leaders

  • Paula Berg

    Percolator Consulting


  • Rose Marcotte

    The Great Plains Institute

    Community Group Leader

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