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How to De-Duplicate Records in Salesforce Marketing Cloud Workshop

Oct 11, 2022, 7:00 – 7:15 PM (UTC)

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Developers Group

In this SFMCDG workshop session we will be exploring what are the best options/practices would be for deduplicating data in SFMC.

About this event

Workshop event to discuss Marketing Cloud developer challenges, to share strategies and hopefully to help provide a solution.

This workshop event was inspired by a question on Salesforce Marketing Cloud Developers Group LinkedIn Group which you can read here - in summary, what are the best options/practices would be for deduplicating data in SFMC.

Bring your questions and suggestions.

Beginners and experts all welcome.


  • Matt Cameron

    dataFlow marketing

    Martech consultant helping people connect with digital marketing

Group Leaders

  • Lakshmi Pavani S

    Community Group Leader

  • Himanshu Jain

    Cloud Sensi

    Community Group Leader

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