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Apple's Mail Privacy Protection (MPP) and Bulk Email Send Changes - What It Means for Us

Mar 22, 1:00 – 2:00 AM (UTC)

Salesforce Marketer Group, Vancouver, Canada

A look into MPP and Gmail and Yahoo's bulk send changes and what we can do.

About this event

MPP and Gmail and Yahoo's bulk send changes are significant changes that warrants us email marketers to take a pause and look into what are the implications and what we can do as Salesforce Marketing Cloud Engagement users.

In this meeting, we will provide a review of MPP, and Gmail and Yahoo's new rules in bulk email sending, what we can do as marketers, and provide a space of open discussion on best practices se can apply. 


  • Kristina Mendoza

    Senior SFMC Consultant

Group Leader

  • Mathes Kanagarajan

    CloudKettle Inc

    Community Group Leader

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