Lies, Damned lies, and Statistics - Explore Analytics in Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Sep 24, 2020, 6:00 – 7:00 PM (UTC)

Salesforce Marketer Group, Amsterdam Netherlands

Marketers need data to analyze what drives customer behavior and campaign results. SFMC however natively offers hardly any analytics functionality out of the box. Luckily, there are multiple ways to solve this using Einstein analytics, Tableau, Datorama, and other BI-related tooling. In this session, we explore several of these options. CALL FOR SPEAKERS: Experience in this area? Let us know!

About this event

Marketers need data to analyze what drives customer behavior and campaign results. SFMC however natively offers hardly any analytics functionality out of the box. Luckily, there are multiple ways to solve this using Einstein analytics, Tableau, Datorama, and other BI-related tooling. In this session, we explore several of these options.

If you are still struggling with analytics and want to explore ways to start or expand this in your own organization or for your own projects this session is for you. Topics like BI-tooling, integration patterns, and how to turn raw data into actionable insights will be discussed in an interactive setting. This means you can and must participate with questions and your experience.

CALL FOR SPEAKERS: We would like people to join who have previous experience with BI projects, have used BI tooling with SFMC, and/or have actively run programs that generate insights from marketing data. if you do please let us know.


  • Martijn Verstrepen

    The Information Lab (Tableau)

    Managing Director

  • Doug Midgley


    Manager | Commerce & Marketing Cloud Practice Lead NL at Accenture

  • Kusha Arora

    Accenture Germany

    Salesforce Analytics Manager



Thursday, September 24, 2020
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM (UTC)



Group Leaders

  • Michiel van Gaalen

    Journey Builders / Marlies Dekkers

    Community Group Leader

  • Daniëlle Smit


    Community Group Leader

  • Nubia Ramos


    Community Group Leader

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