New group applications open through January 31st

The High Leap

Jul 7, 2022, 10:00 PM – Jul 8, 2022, 12:00 AM (UTC)

Salesforce Developer Group, Montevideo, Uruguay

En esta oportunidad nos volvemos a reunir en formato hibrido (presencial/virtual) y Aldo Fernandez nos trae una interesante presentación sobre lo que significa el salto de Salesforce Dev a Technical Architect.

About this event

En esta oportunidad nos volvemos a reunir en formato hibrido (presencial/virtual) y Aldo Fernandez nos trae una interesante presentación sobre lo que significa el salto de Salesforce Dev a Technical Architect.

The High Leap: From Developer/Admineloper to Architect

Developers are a special breed. Within the Salesforce ecosystem, their power to build and create complex apps is unique and one of the most wanted skills in the market. However, there's a common misconception that a developer with a lot of knowledge, it's an architect. In this session, we are going to explore what it takes to make the shift from a developer/admineloper to an architect role and what are the challenges and forces involved.


  • Aldo Fernandez


    Program Architect/Founder



July 7 – 8, 2022
10:00 PM – 12:00 AM (UTC)


10:00 PMNetworking
10:15 PMPresentacion
11:15 PMNetworking

Group Leaders

  • Federico Giust

    Aquiva Labs


  • Fernando Israel

    Kognoz S.A.

    Community Group Leader

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