2025 Salesforce MVP Nominations are now open until February 7th!

Melbourne Architect Community Group Meetup Feb 19th, 2025

Feb 19, 7:00 – 9:30 AM (UTC)

Salesforce Architect Group, Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne Architect Community Group Meetup for Feb - In Person!

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About this event

In this meetup, our first presenter Mark Townsend (AppGenie) will walkthrough the benefits and pitfalls of CI/CD, and a corresponding standard set of tools. He will provide an explanation on how Salesforce CLI enables deployments, and then introduce Azure DevOps and highlight differences in approach between this and a product, such as Copado or Gearset. Finally, he will walk through additional pipeline requirements including code scanning and robotic testing.

Our second presenter Bibhu Pati (Salesforce), will take us through the User Access Policy. He will show us how the new UAP feature, when combined with Automated user provisioning tools and techniques, can provide a complete user provisioning solution. This talk will cover what UAP is, how it can be used, what is a persona in this context, and how we can leverage that with UAP for user provisioning. It will include a demo.

Join us to connect or re-connect with the Melbourne Salesforce Architects Community, and to have a bite to eat and a drink or two. Please note that you will need to collect a QR code from our little station in the foyer so please try to arrive no later than 6:30pm (we will be kicking off presentations shortly after).

This is an inclusive event. So whether you are an architect, an aspiring architect, or just interested in the journey or the discussion you are welcome to join us!

Level 30, 477 Collins Street



Wednesday, February 19, 2025
7:00 AM – 9:30 AM (UTC)

Group Leaders

  • Paul Fayle

    Deloitte Digital

    Community Group Leader

  • Richard Enojas



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