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LAUG - London World Tour warm up meeting!

Jun 14, 2022, 5:00 – 8:00 PM (UTC)

Salesforce Admin Group, London, United Kingdom

It's World Tour week (or should I say, London's Calling week) and the Admins will be meeting for some serious, associated, long awaited in-person celebrations. We will be joined by LeeAnne Rimel and Ella Marks from the Salesforce Admin Evangelism Team and they will be presenting on the new release of the Admins Skills Kit. We'll also have some other special features for the evening, don't miss it.

About this event

It's World Tour week (or should I say, London's Calling week) and the Admins will be meeting for some serious, associated, long awaited in-person celebrations. We will be joined by LeeAnne Rimel and Ella Marks from the Salesforce Admin Evangelism Team and they will be presenting on the new release of the Admins Skills Kit. We'll also have some other special features for the evening, don't miss it.


  • LeeAnne Rimel


    Principal Admin Evangelist



Tuesday, June 14, 2022
5:00 PM – 8:00 PM (UTC)


5:00 PMDoors Open, and networking
5:30 PMWelcome, thanks to our hosts
6:00 PMAdmin Skill Kits - LeeAnne Rimel and Ella Marks
6:30 PMBreak
7:00 PMSpecial Activity!
8:00 PMAfter Show Party Pub!

Group Leaders

  • Claire Jones

    ThirdEye Consulting

    Community Group Leader

  • Matthew Morris


    Community Group Leader

  • Silvia Denaro


    Community Group Leader

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