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Dear Profiles, It's Not Me, It's You - Breaking Up with Profile Based Security - Mark Adcock

Feb 25, 2021, 12:00 – 1:45 AM (UTC)

Salesforce Admin Group, Austin, United States

Salesforce Profiles as a monolithic source of system security can be a pain especially with multiple work-streams utilized in the agile development processes that are so common. Join the #SalesforceATX Admin User Group as we discuss your organization's sharing model! As always we will have some swag at the end but come for the learning with our special guest Mark Adcock Salesforce MVP!

About this event

We welcome you to come join us on zoom provided by Merivis for a session by Mark Adcock, Salesforce MVP! 

Salesforce Profiles as a monolithic source of system security can be a pain especially with multiple work-streams utilized in the agile development processes that are so common.

Enter Permission Set Groups to help combine the modularity of permissions sets with the reduced admin overhead of applying a single Profile. This session is all about how to start breaking your security model into modular permissions sets and groups to ease your security pains.


  • Mark Adcock

    Salesforce Consultant

    User Group Leader



Thursday, February 25, 2021
12:00 AM – 1:45 AM (UTC)


12:00 AMJoin the meeting
12:05 AMAnnouncements
12:15 AMFeatured Presentation
1:15 AMNetworking & QA

Group Leaders

  • Kavita Patel


    Community Group Leader

  • Tracy Nguyen

    Community Group Leader

  • Chris Robertson


    Community Group Leader

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