Let's get together to learn more about Salesforce, swap stories, and geek out together!
Thursday, June 15, 2017 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM UTC
Mingle & Munch
Arrive and mingle with your fellow user group community members. Grab some grub and get ready!
Change Management
Daniel Barckley will be sharing some insights about change management with the team. As you all know change is hard! Come hear about how to handle your cheese moving!
Summer 17' Highlights
Let's share our favorite features from Summer 17' -- yea yea, you haven't switched to lightning - but maybe something you hear will make you want to finally switch - cause, you know, its time! Come hear about things like contact hierarchies! What??
Sales Path
Building off our last meeting, let's build a Sales Path together!!
So Sad, Time to go back to work
Welp, time to make the donuts again! SEE YOU NEXT TIME - July 20th at Mez - for an evening of Salesforce Fun - TRIVIA NIGHT!