New group applications will be opening on October 1st!

APEX for Admin training (and give Salesforce feedback for DF)

Sep 4, 2014, 12:00 – 2:00 AM

Salesforce Developer Group, Portland, United States

Super-Admins - we have a great opportunity to help Salesforce develop curriculum AND learn at the same time. If you are a strong Admin interested in better understanding how to read VF pages or triggers, then this is for you! - Salesforce is working beta-testing brand new Apex4Admin content for Dreamforce this year so you can get a training under your belt NOW. LeeAnne Templeman, Salesforce

About this event

Super-Admins - we have a great opportunity to help Salesforce develop curriculum AND learn at the same time. If you are a strong Admin interested in better understanding how to read VF pages or triggers, then this is for you! - Salesforce is working beta-testing brand new Apex4Admin content for Dreamforce this year so you can get a training under your belt NOW. LeeAnne Templeman, Salesforce Developer Evangelist, will be conducting this great session. Food and drinks will be provided so please read on for more info:


Expose super admins/advanced declarative developers to the programmatic side of the platform. This class is targeted at non-coders (i.e., no development experience or formal training) to be more comfortable when handed a Visualforce page or trigger. The main purpose of this class is to help admins/declarative developers to be able to analyze code to see what it does, give them the tools to be able to tinker on existing code to extend or modify functionality, and set a foundation for being able to build your own triggers and test classes. In addition, this class aims to point out not only what the programmatic features are and when you can use them, but also when to turn to code (after you have fully exhausted the declarative tools on the platform).


An attendee at this session should be comfortable with the declarative aspects of the platform. These include things from an understanding of the Salesforce object model (both standard and custom) and the declarative features for process automation (workflow and formula fields). The Introduction to Point-And-Click app development workshop might be sufficient preparation for this class, however an attendee will get more out of this class if they have more than a light introductory experience with the platform.



Thursday, September 4, 2014
12:00 AM – 2:00 AM UTC

Group Leaders

  • Angela Mahoney


    Cat Herder

  • Larry Latimer

    Slalom Consulting


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