Viewing Party: Meet the new Spring '17 Release - March 7, 2017

Mar 8, 2017, 12:00 – 3:00 AM (UTC)

Salesforce Women in Tech Group, Portland, United States

About this event

Spring is in the air and with that, lots of changes and updates and new things, including a new focus on Tuesday's meet up! Salesforce had a change in plans, so rather than focus on the Spring Release, we are going to encourage group Trailheading so we can give away Salesforce swag, and we'll provide some great things to snack on and drink.

This will be a great time to mingle and get to know fellow Salesforcers, especially if your New Year's Resolution involved learning more skills or potentially a job change, so take advantage of this networking opportunity - we hope to see you there!



Wednesday, March 8, 2017
12:00 AM – 3:00 AM (UTC)


Food, Trailhead, and networking!

Group Leaders

  • Liz Mangano

    Standard Insurance

    Community Group Leader

  • Kate Lessard


    Community Group Leader

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