New group applications open from Oct 1st through Oct 31st

June NPSP Meeting

Jun 16, 2020, 1:00 – 4:00 AM

Salesforce Nonprofit User Group, Portland, OR, United States

A brief dive into Automation. This meeting I will be walking us through an automation that will remove a minor from the naming convention of a household, on their 18th birthday remove them from the household, create an affiliation to the household they are leaving, and then create a new household account for them. We will be using a Formula, Process Builder, Report, Mass Action Scheduler, & Flow.

About this event

A brief dive into Automation. This meeting I will be walking us through an automation that will remove a minor from the naming convention of a household, on their 18th birthday remove them from the household, create an affiliation to the household they are leaving, and then create a new household account for them. We will be using a Formula, Process Builder, Report, Mass Action Scheduler, & Flow.


  • James Milne

    KELL Partners LLC

    Solution Architect



Tuesday, June 16, 2020
1:00 AM – 4:00 AM UTC


Gather together and intro

Group Leaders

  • Andrew Shanks

    Oregon Humane Society

    Community Group Leader

  • Rich Nevin

    HiFi Consulting Group

    Co-Founder & Principal

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