Oct 25, 2019, 12:00 – 2:00 PM
Salesforce Women in Tech Group, Pittsburgh, United States
Badges and Bagels... what else is there to say :) Come one come all on October 25 to the Panera on Freeport Road (or Remotely) to dedicate some time to completing those 'In Progress' Badges in Trailhead.
20 (I actually expected that to be higher) ... that's how many badges in progress I have in Trailhead. Time is something that is limited and we all seem to struggle having.
With that said, please feel free to dedicate some of your own time with me to complete your own badges at this months Badges and Bagels event. On October 25 please join me with you laptops at the Panera on Freeport Road. If you cannot attend but maybe have a question or two there will also be a webex open for anyone who wants to join remotely.
*** Closer to the Event a remote session will be sent out.
Friday, October 25, 2019
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM UTC