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Winter 20 Release Highlights and Trailhead In a Box

Oct 30, 2019, 12:30 – 2:30 AM (UTC)

Salesforce Admin Group, Phoenix, United States

The Winter ’20 Release is packed with new and improved features for Admins. We’ve gone through it and curated the highlights of the release for you in a presentation. And an introductory workshop on Trailhead, the online, free, gamified learning platform for Salesforce and help you skill up.

About this event

We’re excited to bring you 5 highlights from the Winter ‘20 release for Admins:

  1. Calendar
  2. Reports & Dashboards
  3. Listviews & Topics
  4. App Builder for Mobile
  5. Top 5 Ideas Delivered

Trailhead in a Box: There are almost 1.5M people learning in demand tech, business, and Salesforce skills from Trailhead today. By the year 2022, there will be 3.3 Million Salesforce related jobs! Let's hop on the trail and skill up together and kick off a Trailhead Challenge. We'll award the top Trailblazers with some fun swag and recognition. You could really benefit from learning new skills from Trailhead.



  • Makenzie Pavan


    Success Guide

  • Jyothsna Bitra


    Marketing Champion/Phoenix B2C CGL



Wednesday, October 30, 2019
12:30 AM – 2:30 AM (UTC)


Check-in and Networking
Winter' 20 Release Highlights
Trailhead in a Box

Group Leaders

  • Petar Čale

    Community Group Leader

  • Courtney Palmer


    Community Group Leader

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