Apr 8, 2014, 1:00 – 9:00 PM (UTC)
Salesforce Developer Group, Philadelphia, United States
<http://lh5.googleusercontent.com/BBhZmInHqBb2js6TH_4Ox_GgMyZa4o6_cBay2vSJ-bf6NjBqVaS-eB3Cjdl-60oCyHE> PhillyForce's second annual conference will take place in Center City during [Philly Tech Week](http://phillytechweek.com)! As part of over 80 events attended by 10,000 people, we'll share a bit about the [Salesforce.com](http://Salesforce.com) platform and Force.com with the larger local
PhillyForce's second annual conference will take place in Center City during Philly Tech Week! As part of over 80 events attended by 10,000 people, we'll share a bit about the Salesforce.com platform and Force.com with the larger local community.
The Conference is FREE and includes breakfast and lunch! Free Salesforce1 t-shirts for everybody (while supply lasts).
Giveaway to the top 3 conference twitterers - Salesforce Platform branded Powertrip! Use @phillyforce and #phillyforceConf14 to win!
9:00 Registration/Breakfast/Networking sponsored by Scribe
9:30 Keynote presentation by CRM industry analyst Michael Fauscette, IDC
10:30 10 Best Practices for Integrating Your Customer Data, Doug Miller, Scribe
11:30 Implementing Communities, Dan Fowler, Summa
12:30 Lunch/Networking sponsored by Summa
1:30 Salesforce1: Custom Mobile Charting, Christophe Coenraets, Salesforce.com
2:30 Telephony Integration, Kirk Steffke, CRM Science
3:30 Drupal Integration, Marcus Iannozzi, Message Agency
4:30 Closing Announcements by the PhillyForce group Leaders
5:00 Happy Hour sponsored by Message Agency at Landmark Americana (3333 Market St)
Many thanks to our sponsors:
• Salesforce.com
• Scribe - http://www.scribesoft.com/
• Message Agency - http://messageagency.com
• Summa Technologies - http://www.summa-tech.com
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
1:00 PM – 9:00 PM (UTC)