Salesforce and COVID and Work, Oh My!

Jul 23, 2020, 3:00 – 4:00 PM (UTC)

Salesforce Higher Ed User Group, Ontario, Canada (Virtual)

Virtual Meeting of the Ontario/Quebec Higher Ed Salesforce User Group - Topics include how your school is coping with the pandemic, any innovations your school has undertaken and a presentation of Salesforce's offering by Jeff Dixon.

About this event

Without a doubt, these last months have been strange for all of us. Remember back when our biggest concern was sending out thousands of emails when we didn't intend to? Oh, the good ole days!

Let's regroup and spend some time discussing how our schools are coping with the pandemic, what our biggest challenges or wins have been during this time and if applicable, what innovations we may have come up with. No innovation or problem is too small to discuss! 

Join us virtually from 11:00am to 12:00pm on Thursday, July 23rd.
(Children and pets welcome, because really, who could stop them?)

A little something to watch, just cause I thought it was pretty bang on... enjoy!



Thursday, July 23, 2020
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM (UTC)


3:00 PMIntroductions and Roundtable
3:30 Presentation
3:45 PMOpen Mic

Group Leader

  • Andrew Mugford

    Tyndale University

    Community Group Leader

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