New group applications open through January 31st

Super FUN!, Summer of Trailhead! (aka: Beers and Catch up)

Jul 16, 2015, 6:00 AM – Jul 17, 2015, 6:00 AM (UTC)

Salesforce Developer Group, Auckland, New Zealand

**The Detail: **The super fun Summer of Trailhead that is going on right now.  What is this? Well, hopefully you've heard of Trailhead, the awesome fun way to learn the Salesforce Platform. We will share the joy of Trailhead. Even if you are an Advanced Dev this is worthwhile to see Trail Head, Understand it, as you may want to bring others into your world of Salesforce, this is the best

About this event

The Detail:
The super fun Summer of Trailhead that is going on right now. 
What is this? Well, hopefully you've heard of Trailhead, the awesome fun way to learn the Salesforce Platform. We will share the joy of Trailhead.

Even if you are an Advanced Dev this is worthwhile to see Trail Head, Understand it, as you may want to bring others into your world of Salesforce, this is the best way.

Some recent Trail Head users will share their experience.

And we will enjoy a few drinks. (Let me know your poison).

16/7/15 @ 6pm
Level 15, Telco Building 16 Kingston Street, Auckland

*Then next month, on August 25th there will be a big Dev event, which is currently TOP SECRET!*

So lets make July a starting point.

Please make sure your details are up to date. Please rsvp asap.





July 16 – 17, 2015
6:00 AM – 6:00 AM (UTC)

Group Leaders

  • David Norman

    Merkle Aotearoa


  • David Smith



  • Avinash Vatsya

    Merkle Aotearoa

    Community Group Leader

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