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Meetup #2 - Extending the capabilities of wsdl2apex

Aug 28, 2014, 5:45 – 7:45 AM (UTC)

Salesforce Developer Group, Auckland, New Zealand

Daniel Ballinger will be sharing his upcoming Dreamforce presentation with us - "Extending the capabilities of wsdl2apex" An alternative tool to wsdl2apex for generating Apex from a WSDL.  There are a number of limitations with the standard WSDL2Apex tool that can be addressed by manual manipulation of the WSDL and resulting Apex classes. I've been building tool that automates these steps.

About this event

Daniel Ballinger will be sharing his upcoming Dreamforce presentation with us - "Extending the capabilities of wsdl2apex"

An alternative tool to wsdl2apex for generating Apex from a WSDL. 

There are a number of limitations with the standard WSDL2Apex tool that can be addressed by manual manipulation of the WSDL and resulting Apex classes. I've been building tool that automates these steps. 

It addresses several of the limitations of the existing Salesforce tool, including: 

· Directly importing from a WSDL URL 

· Support for secondary imports and includes 

· The ability to selectively generate apex methods (to reduce the class size) 

· Ignoring unsupported ports 

· Optionally generate corresponding HTTP callouts in addition to SOAP. 

· Automatically generate mocks and test classes for sufficient code coverage.



Thursday, August 28, 2014
5:45 AM – 7:45 AM (UTC)

Group Leaders

  • David Norman

    Merkle Aotearoa


  • David Smith



  • Avinash Vatsya

    Merkle Aotearoa

    Community Group Leader

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