How to prepare for the Certified Technical Architect Board

Jul 29, 2018, 6:00 – 8:00 AM (UTC)

Salesforce Developer Group, Auckland, New Zealand

The TA certification is by far the hardest and most prestigious certification when it comes to Salesforce. Sebastian Wagner, a CTA from Europe and CTA Board coach with FlowRepublic (<>) is travelling through Auckland and wanted to do a session on the CTA certification and especially around how to prepare for the board (for which there is one coming up in late August

About this event

The TA certification is by far the hardest and most prestigious certification when it comes to Salesforce.

Sebastian Wagner, a CTA from Europe and CTA Board coach with FlowRepublic ( is travelling through Auckland and wanted to do a session on the CTA certification and especially around how to prepare for the board (for which there is one coming up in late August in Sydney).

This is on a Sunday night unfortunately as Seb's time was limited, but for anyone looking to sit the board at some stage would find this session very valuable.

Ben Edwards is preparing to sit the CTA Board in August, so Seb had the idea of running a mini-CTA board session to both give Ben a chance to practice, and also give others an insight into how the board process works.



Sunday, July 29, 2018
6:00 AM – 8:00 AM (UTC)

Group Leaders

  • David Norman

    Merkle Aotearoa


  • David Smith



  • Avinash Vatsya

    Merkle Aotearoa

    Community Group Leader

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