New group applications open through January 31st

Virtual Meetup: Online Reunion & the Dependency API

Apr 9, 2020, 6:30 – 7:50 PM (UTC)

Salesforce Developer Group, Munich, Germany

This time we meet virtual and we can go even bigger with Trailblazers around the world. We have Holger Kache, Principal Member of Technical Staff at Salesforce, who is presenting a technical talk about the dependency API. And of course our community members also share some insights from their day-by-day business. Stay tuned!

About this event

This will be our first Virtual Meetup - we will share a Zoom invitation ( to all users RSVP'ed on the day of the meetup. To make this a successful community event, we encourage everybody to enable his webcam and participate actively. To get the best out of our common time, running zoom on a computer with a second screen is recommended to see all participants as well the presentation. But Zoom can be used on a Mobile, though.

We are looking forward to the talk from Holger Kache:

When it comes to Salesforce development, no matter if you follow an org-based, package-based, or change set-based approach, you’ll have to identify your dependencies. Managing dependencies is hard on any platform, and without good tooling one might opt to include everything in a single large monolithic package instead. While that practice can work, it limits feature adoption, code re-use, deployment agility, and backwards compatibility.

This talk will introduce you to the Metadata Dependencies API and open source tools we have built on top of it, so you can improve your orgs maintainability, avoid dead code, and orphaned objects. Come and learn first hand from Salesforce how you can untangle your large monolithic orgs and leverage these new APIs to improve your org environments.


  • Holger Kache


    Principal Member of Technical Staff



Thursday, April 9, 2020
6:30 PM – 7:50 PM (UTC)


6:30 PMIntro and Next Meetup
6:40 PMTIL / My Favorite Tool
6:50 PMDependency API with Holger Kache
7:30 PMQ & A

Group Leaders

  • Christian Szandor Knapp

    DIA die.interaktiven

    Lead Salesforce Developer

  • Christian Menzinger



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