Data is more important than software: discuss

Jun 4, 2020, 6:00 – 7:29 AM (UTC)

Salesforce Nonprofit User Group, Melbourne, Australia

You rolled out Salesforce expecting miracles....that didn't come. Why not? Maybe because you ignored the elephant in the room: your data. Hear from three speakers who will take you on a journey from the pain of migration, through data enhancement to the art of the possible. Find out how you can turn data into information, and information into insight. Find out how to make your data sing!

About this event

Over the course of 90 minutes, Lauren will talk you through the massive challenge of amalgamating data from nearly 10 different systems into one, with over 400,000 contacts and 700,000 opportunities. She'll share her lessons learnt and what she'd do differently (if she's ever brave enough!). Hanzel will then share his top 10 tips for data hygiene (guessing it doesn't involve hand sanitiser), before looking at how you can enhance your data with useful information that will help you "know" your stakeholders better. Finally, Mark will show you what you can achieve once you've got your house in order with Einstein Analytics. 

Be on time as we'll break into 3 groups for round table discussions with each of the presenters. This will allow you to really dive in deep with specific questions. 


  • Hanzel Nillo


  • Mark Tossell

    Visioneer 360

    Chief Information Officer

  • Lauren Stewart

    Alfred Health

    Senior Manager Systems and Data



Thursday, June 4, 2020
6:00 AM – 7:29 AM (UTC)


Lauren Stewart talks about data migration for the Austin Hospital Foundation
Hanzel Nillo's top 10 tips and data enhancement
Mark Tossell talks Einstein
Break out rooms
Meeting wrap up

Group Leaders

  • Wyan Carter

    Salesforce Mentor


  • Nicole Aebi-Moyo



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