Jul 18, 2018, 8:30 – 10:30 AM
Salesforce Marketing Cloud Developers Group
At our July meeting, the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Developers Group plan to do a comparison of different Marketing Clouds from developer and user perspectives. Presentations and discussion will not be about perceived vendor features, but rather more of a deep dive into about how we as developers go about solving the same tasks on each different platform. The objective is to share and learn.
At our July meeting, the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Developers Group plan to do a comparison of different Marketing Clouds from developer and user perspectives. Presentations and discussion will not be about perceived vendor features, but rather more of a deep dive into about how we as developers go about solving the same tasks on each different platform. The objective is to share and learn. Agenda will include a forum style Q&A session along with short point of view presentations from each of the marketing cloud developers about their marketing cloud platform, presentations include the following topics:
* how to do IP warming
* how business units, permissions and unsubscribers are managed
* what are the most popular APIs
* how do marketing automations work
* what marketing channels are supported
* how long does it typically take to set up a client on the platform
* where to find help with technical questions and learning resources
* how to connect with the community on each platform
* the best awesome favourite feature of the marketing cloud platform
We are still planning and require presenters.
Presenters just need to be people that have used the platform and have a working knowledge of it from a developer perspective. Each platform presentation can be done by a couple of people.
Platforms include Adobe Campaign Manager, Mailchimp, Marketo, Oracle Eloqua, Responsive and Salesforce Marketing Marketing Cloud.
If you would like to be a platform presenter please email hello@sfmcdg.org or contact Matt Cameron on +61 (0) 449 191 584
For more information or to become involved visit https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yrsIwSNzQhQZkVnq7rCpCb8uUZlvat7n_LZOynqNq7M/edit?usp=sharing
This should be a very interesting meetup and discussion. Leave a comment if you have a digital marketing question that you would like to see discussed.
Thanks to RXP sponsoring this event with a location and refreshments.
As always at the end of the meetup, we guarantee that everyone will have had a great time and please share with a friend that you know will be interested.
RSVP if you would like to join and share the awesomeness.
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
8:30 AM – 10:30 AM UTC