This first meeting is to launch officially the Salesforce Luxembourg User Group (SLUG) which will be hosted at MNKS offices. This will be a unique opportunity to exchange information, to network between Salesforce users and to share best practices. Stany Blanvalet, will also provide us the key learnings from the Salesforce implementation done at Lombard International Assurance.
Round Table and introduction Patrick Ittah Salesforce Luxembourg User Group Co-leader.
7:00 AM
Feedback of Salesforce implementation at Lombard
Our guest speaker, Stany Blanvalet from Lombard International Assurance will speak about how Salesforce had been implemented at his company. Throught how it changes the professional daily life to what was easy to implement and what was more difficult. A Salesforce implementation project is growing, living and need some changes, Mr. Stany Blanvalet will speak also about how the Saleforce implementation at Lombard will progress.
7:30 AM
Round Table
Definition and validation of next SLUG objectives and priority.