Join us for an awesome opportunity to learn, connect, have fun, and give back with Trailblazers like you! We'll go deep on relevant announcements from TrailheaDX, dig into the Summer '19 release highlights, do some networking fun, and give back together.
About this event
Join us for an awesome opportunity to learn, connect, have fun, and give back with Trailblazers like you! We'll go deep on relevant announcements from TrailheaDX, dig into the Summer '19 release highlights, do some networking fun, and give back together.
TrailheaDX Global Gatherings 2019 Highlights Video
Admin highlights from the conference
Icebreaker Game (With Prizes!)
Meet new people and win prizes including certification vouchers
Global Gatherings presentations
All the key announcements and highlights relevant to #AwesomeAdmins including a TrailheaDX '19 Event Overview, Opening Keynote highlights, low code super session highlights, breakout session highlights, Summer Release '19 highlights