April Dev Meetup

Apr 17, 2019, 5:00 – 8:00 PM (UTC)

Salesforce Developer Group, London, United Kingdom

We're back after a month off with two more great speakers, covering two interesting and different topics. We're delighted to hear from George Tye on Data Migration, and Amnon Kruvi on using CSS Variables in Lightning Components.

About this event

We're back after a month off with two more great speakers, covering two interesting and different topics.

Talk 1: George Tye - Data Migration and the importance of using a proven Methodology (Practical Data Migration v2)

Data has become an integral part of an business so you’d think when migrating onto Salesforce it would be near the top of the to do list. Yet well over 50% of data migration projects fail to meet expectations or fail altogether. This leads to a plethora of issues such as poor user acceptance, poor data quality and records failing the migration altogether. In this session we are going to talk through our recommended methodology and tools for undertaking Data Migration on Salesforce and list some of the common pitfalls and how to avoid them.

Talk2: Amnon Kruvi - CSS Variables in Lightning Components

CSS Variables and how to use them to allow for dynamic styling, now that the <style> tag has been blocked in Lightning Locker.

Slalom are generously hosting us tonight, many thanks to them and to our Video Sponsor MobileCaddy.

So what are you waiting for, RSVP up now, and don't forget to join our group here.

And join our chatter group.

And follow the action on twitter using #LonDevSFDC


  • George Tye

    CCR Data

    Client Services Director

  • Amnon Kruvi


    Salesforce Certified Solution Architect



Wednesday, April 17, 2019
5:00 PM – 8:00 PM (UTC)


5:00 PMDoors Open (Drinks + Networking)
5:30 PMTalk 1 - Data Migration
6:00 PMBreak / Food / Networking
6:30 PMTalk 2 - CSS Variables in Lightning

Group Leaders

  • Keir Bowden



  • Todd Halfpenny


    Mobile Technical Architect

  • Tzhe'ela Trooper

    Community Group Leader

  • Ellie Matthewman


    Community Group Leader

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