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LAUG - March meeting

Mar 21, 2019, 6:00 – 9:00 PM (UTC)

Salesforce Admin Group, London, United Kingdom

Join us for an evening of Magical, Mystery, March Madness (ie content still being finalised!). Remember, if you want to be part of our series 'Interview with an Admin', you need to complete our google form questionnaire:

About this event

Join us for an evening of Magical, Mystery, March Madness (ie content still being finalised!)

Missed London's Calling? We'll have a repeat of at least one presentation we didn't want you to miss.

We hope to have TWO brand new speakers giving mini-presentations.

Then there will be our next instalment of 'Interview with an Admin', our series focused on getting to know our members. As always, if you are coming and would like to be in the pot for our randomly selected interviewee, please complete this google form: 

With thanks to this month's Sponsor: BrightGen


  • Paul Ginsberg

    Naturally IQ

  • Adam Barnes


    Salesforce Manager

  • Nathaniel Sombu

    Salesforce Consultant



Thursday, March 21, 2019
6:00 PM – 9:00 PM (UTC)


6:00 PMDoors open - enter, register and be known
6:30 PMWelcome and thanks to tonight's Sponsor: BrightGen
6:45 PMReporting Hidden Secrets - Paul Ginsberg
7:15 PMSpring '19 Release: Features Users have wanted - Adam Barnes
7:45 PMInterview with an Admin
8:00 PMFive Principles of Adoption by Design - Nathanial Sombu

Group Leaders

  • Claire Jones

    ThirdEye Consulting

    Community Group Leader

  • Matthew Morris


    Community Group Leader

  • Silvia Denaro


    Community Group Leader

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