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Strategies for Driving Adoption & Training on New Changes from a Remote Environment

Jul 9, 2020, 12:00 – 1:30 AM (UTC)

Salesforce Women in Tech Group, Irvine, United States

Join us as we invite Melanie Fellay, CEO & Co-Founder of Spekit, to speak on the best practices we can use to drive training, knowledge, and onboard in these remote times.

About this event

Work processes and tools are in a constant state of flux within organizations. Odds are, with each change you host a lengthy training session and send reps away with a Google Doc that’s quickly lost Among their other resources. In this session, you’ll learn how to break down your training into digestible content bites, reduce overall documentation and prep time, embed these training bites contextually, throughout your team’s regular workflow, and track who is adopting the changes through tracking and analytics. You’ll walk away with best practices to help you implement training digitally, distribute knowledge, onboard new employees, and drive changes that stick.


  • Melanie Fellay


    CEO and Cofounder



Thursday, July 9, 2020
12:00 AM – 1:30 AM (UTC)


12:00 AMGet members joined to virtual gathering
12:15 AMTraining Survey
12:30 AMMelanie from Spekit will begin
1:00 AMOpen for Q & A
1:30 AMMeeting ends

Group Leaders

  • Arlene Chen


    Community Group Leader

  • Susan Quayle

    Apps Associates

    Community Group Leader

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