Our next HUG meeting will focus on education, certification, CSR, and something that you might be passionate about...
About this event
We are meeting in the usual place (Winchester Discovery Centre) for an evening of Salesforce education and certification, good corporate social responsibility (CSR) and, we hope, a talk given by you.
Sean Dukes
CEO at Learnsmarter, group leader, Salesforce Certified Application Architect
Rob Kurn
Southampton Voluntary Services
Deputy CEO
Tara Aldridge
New Voice Media
Head of Sales Practice
Adrian Robinson
Southampton Voluntary Services
Salesforce developer and admin
Wednesday, February 13, 2019 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM UTC
Help yourself to a glass of wine or a beer. Introduce yourself to people and start chatting. Food provided by FirstBite
Quick introductions and let's get started
New Faster Flow Builder - Sean Dukes
Salesforce have been talking a lot about the new, easier, faster Flow Builder that’s available in Spring ‘19. Sean has previewed the release and will be sharing his insights.
Good CSR - Rob Kurn
Corporate social responsibility is more than a day out from the office. If done well, partnerships are formed and real benefits are archived. Rob will cover the aspects that make good CSR.
More food, more drinks, and networking
Time to recharge your glass if you're feeling thirsty.
Basingstoke Women In Tech - Tara Aldridge
Tara has set up a new Women in Tech group based in Basingstoke. There is are exciting plans for the group, and Tara will be covering what is happening this year.
Education and Certification - Adrian Robinson
This talk will cover the main aspects of the Salesforce education that is out there and the routes to certification.
More networking and some food
Have another drink if you like. Get to know the fellow group members a bit more